Ragnar Blackmane’s Great Company – Showcase

Wolf Lord: Ragnar Blackmane

Wolf Priest: Ranek Icewalker

Rune Priest: Tyr Redmoon

Rune Priest: Fjölvar Rift-Walker

Iron Priest: Corus Redsmith

Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Haldor Icepelt

Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Brand Sabrewulf

Wolf Guard Ancient: Skald Baldûnn the Herald

Wolf Guard Pack: The Black Pelts

Hounds of Morkai: Drekka’s Nightblades

Eliminators: Olovec’s Deadeyes

Assault Intercessors: Hostur’s Spears

Assault Intercessors: Dreskor’s Skybolts

Outriders: The Thunderfists